It is a fascinating study of human nature to take note of the myriad reactions that TV's express when confronted with this point. Their answers vary accord- ing to the value and role they assign to their desire. Some seem to look upon their TVism in the same manner that some high society people look upon a daring visit to the "slums. Their everyday life is nice, normal, accepted, clean, devoid of "vices." They conform to the rules, belong to a Club, go to church on Sundays, mow the lawn on their days off, go bowling with the boys and take the wife to a movie once in a while. They will honestly tell you that they feel no great de- sire to dress up. ..except once or twice a year when they go away from their nice, clean environment on some "business trip out of town. Away from home the urge decends upon them. They will purchase an entire outfit, complete with make-up and jewelry and rent a hairpiece. Then comes the thrilling experience of doing something forbidden, something naughty, some- thing one mustn't even talk about. They remind you of the nice, prim and proper small town little old lady who travels to the big city and allows herself one naughty, big fling by boldly walking into a dingy lit- tle theater to enjoy a burlesque show.
This kind of TV will lock himself in a hotel room and "go slumming" into the deliciously forbidden path of cross dressing. It is an evening of thrills and sweet dreams. everything else if forgotten. and the entire some shadowy
event highly resembles an adventure in opium den of ancient times. Once the adventure is over there is a scurrying about to erase all traces of "evil". the outfit is wrapped and dropped in some trash can along the sidewalk... the wig is returned by mail... and there is nothing, absolutely nothing left in his luggage that could possible give him away. There is only a glow, an inner satisfaction, of having done the forbidden thing, of having strayed from the